Monday, 15 May 2017

Karijini National Park

I've seen many canyons on my travels, but few compare to those of Karijini. There are bigger, there are more dramatic, but I don't believe there are any quite so beautiful. The two I visit on my first day are Weano and Handcock, both are class 5 , which means you have to scramble over wet rock and at time swim through pools and there are a few steep descents. It's all easy enough, they are only about 30 metres deep, so the descent in is easy, the fun it the pools and climbing through the polished canyons and taking in the delicate work nature has completed over millions of years. 

What you are looking at is an ancient sea bed, you can see the layers of silica and sand that have been laid down and then compressed . The rock is rich in iron ore which is black, it's the oxidisation that gives it it's red colour, the same as rust.

Weano leads down to Handrail Pool, named of course because there is a handrail that is required for you to climb down the final stage, so imaginative. I have the pool to myself for quite sometime and sit back and take in its perfect roundness and colouring. The whole place has a feel that the worlds best landscapers have all joined forces to create the perfect canyon, it really is just that.

The following day I head to Dales Gorge, which is in its own right perfect, starting at Fern Pool, blue in colour and feed by a small waterfall and surrounded by red rock, it's hard to fault. This then flows to another larger waterfall, which is picture post card, it's fault is that the rock strata it's made from is perfectly horizontal, making for perfect chairs. As its easy to walk to this makes a perfect family swimming hole and selfie opportunity..............

I walk along the valley floor for about an hour until I come to the end at Circular Pool, yes it's a circle. All the water here is spring feed and Dales is feed from both ends, it flows to near the middle, then dis operas back in to the rock. This is defiantly a highly of the trip and possibly in to my top ten must see places in the world, just too beautiful.  

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