So the situation is this - all the new parts from England have been fitted, but as I feared there is still something not correct with the steering. After many years in the bike trade I knew that there was a chance that this may be the case and after test ridding the bike yesterday, Friday 6th Feb, it is clear that I am going nowhere fast on the bike as she stands. When motorcycles do somersaults it put stresses on components in a direction there where never designed to take. Unfortunately, you cant always tell what is bent until you start fitting some straight parts.
Both fork legs have been either replaced or straightened, so there is something else askew, which is clear to the naked eye, but which part is not clear. So as I type the front end is coming apart, with the hope that we can discover exactly what is wrong. If I was back in the UK it would be relatively simple to find another bike and measure the steering geometry, but here that is not an option and the one thing that I certainly don't want to get involved in , is a process of fitting one part at a time to try a process of elimination, this is both too costly and too time consuming.

So I am hoping that over the weekend or early next week, between myself and the mechanic, a very competent BMW specialist called Carlos, we should be able to figure out where the problem lies. Then of course there is just the minor problem of how I get my hands on the parts without another time consuming battle with the local customs.
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